Special Report: The state of the shopper in 2023 — imagery is key
Consumers have an abundance of choice when it comes to e-commerce. So what are the deciding factors in consumers choosing one retailer or product over another? We set out to find out with a survey of more than 1,000 consumers in the United States. One thing is clear — product imagery matters.
Special Report: The state of the shopper in 2023 — imagery is key
Consumers have an abundance of choice when it comes to e-commerce. So what are the deciding factors in consumers choosing one retailer or product over another? We set out to find out with a survey of more than 1,000 consumers in the United States. One thing is clear — product imagery matters.
Special Report: The state of the shopper in 2023 — imagery is key
Consumers have an abundance of choice when it comes to e-commerce. So what are the deciding factors in consumers choosing one retailer or product over another? We set out to find out with a survey of more than 1,000 consumers in the United States. One thing is clear — product imagery matters.
Consumers expect imagery that...
- Shows products in context
- Is informative
- Accurately represents products
And expectations are rising
- 69% say a lifestyle image is more likely to capture their attention when shopping online compared to a packshot
- 65% are more likely to purchase an item if they can see it from all angles
- 83% will return a product if the image online does not match the actual product they receive
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