Consumer sentiment
Challenges & solutions

Talking Shop: Steven Winnick, Coresight Research

Steven Winnick, Senior Analyst at Coresight Research, joins us to talk about how retailers can differentiate their online experiences, what categories of tech can help, and how can they get buy-in from finance and exec teams.

Consumer sentiment
Challenges & solutions

Talking Shop: Steven Winnick, Coresight Research

Steven Winnick, Senior Analyst at Coresight Research, joins us to talk about how retailers can differentiate their online experiences, what categories of tech can help, and how can they get buy-in from finance and exec teams.

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Consumer sentiment
Challenges & solutions

Talking Shop: Steven Winnick, Coresight Research

Steven Winnick, Senior Analyst at Coresight Research, joins us to talk about how retailers can differentiate their online experiences, what categories of tech can help, and how can they get buy-in from finance and exec teams.

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Steven Winnick, Senior Analyst at Coresight Research, joins us to talk about how retailers can differentiate their online experiences, what categories of tech can help, and how can they get buy-in from finance and exec teams.

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